Monica Shelton Reusch

Monica Shelton Reusch

Monica is a retired businesswoman and entrepreneur (co-founder of ChappyWrap) and seasoned fundraising volunteer. She and her husband Henry have been seasonal residents of Martha’s Vineyard since 1996, converting to permanent residents in 2015 after selling their Weston, MA home.Monica was introduced to horses and riding when she was a young child and was immediately hooked.

Throughout her life, horses have come in and out of her life as circumstances allowed. As a young teenager in NH, she rode her bike before and after school to a rough-board barn to care for and ride her beloved horse Bojangles. She and Bojangles could be found trail riding through the woods in her small town, working in the ring, or swimming in the river in the summer. As an adult and seasonal resident of Chappaquiddick, Monica would bring her Thoroughbred mare Lilac to Pimpneymouse Farm. Reliving her teenage years, Monica could be found happily riding the many trails and beaches on Chappy.

Monica first came to Misty Meadows as a therapeutic riding student in 2018 and experienced first-hand the healing power and magic of Misty. This was a barn and horse community unlike anything she had ever experienced! After she and her husband Henry moved from Chappy to Edgartown in the spring of 2019, Monica began actively volunteering at Misty as a horse handler for therapeutic and recreational programs. Finding her happy place on the Vineyard, Monica added horse conditioning and serving on the volunteer, donor relations, and development committees to her Misty volunteer activities. Joining the Board in December 2023, Monica hopes to help further Misty’s mission “to provide a nurturing environment where horses and humans work together to transform lives.”
