A Letter from the Director
We have so much to celebrate in this annual report. Things have never been better at the farm or in the organization as a whole. We had a terrific year with amazing events, new collaborations, and creative programming. We’re very excited about all we have planned for 2024!
So many of our successes are a result of collaborations within our island community and beyond. The horses, our wisest teachers, rely on collaboration for their wellbeing. A herd is necessary for safety, survival, comfort, and play. This connected approach is the foundation of all that we do at Misty and why we are a hub for community learning and healing.
I love watching our herd continue to evolve and strengthen. I am grateful for the team of dedicated two-legged staff and our engaged herd of four-legged staff who continue to be our best guides through transition and growth.
This year, our number of community partners grew to 37 like-minded organizations. Together with Boys and Girls Club, Camp Jabberwocky, Island Autism Group, Island Wide Youth Collaborative, Kinship Heals, YMCA, and countless others, we have impacted 7,650 people in 2023! All of these individuals have access to the healing power of horsemanship because of the generous support of our donors and volunteers!
Horses know there is strength in a herd and that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Thank you for being part of our herd!
With thanks,
Sarah McKay,
Executive Director
and Vision
Our mission is to create a nurturing environment where horses and humans can work together to transform lives.
Our vision is to make an impact on the world, one horse experience at a time.
Misty’s goal is to provide a unique, magical, and transformative experience (unlike most traditional riding barns) in which people can connect with horses and themselves on a deeper level. Misty works with students to understand their emotional, physical, and cognitive needs, and how working with horses can enhance their health and wellness. Misty is welcoming and open to all individuals, regardless of age, race, sex, income, or any other demographic.
Meet the Misty Meadows Team

Spice and Deborah
In 2023, Misty experienced two great losses from our beloved four-legged staff. Deborah and Spice crossed the Rainbow Bridge in May. They touched many lives, spending over half of their many years helping people. Their contribution to Misty Meadows will never be forgotten.

The Numbers
In 2023…
In 2023 we connected with 7,650 people through both our outreach educational activities and our direct service programs with the support of 100 active volunteers giving an estimated 6,500 hours. We collaborated with 37 other island organizations - 11 more than last year! A mounting ramp and mechanical lift to improve accessibility for individuals with mobility impairments were installed. The wise elder of our equine herd, Noble, was nominated as the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship Equine of the Year. He WON this national award and is also being inducted into the Equus Foundation Horse Stars Hall of Fame! This year we hosted two free community events with over 1,000 people attending each event and enjoyed two outstanding summer events making many new friends! Misty Meadows is proud to be one of just 17 organizations in New England to earn the distinction of achieving Guardian Status from the Equus Foundation, which is awarded to organizations that “demonstrate a commitment to public transparency by their willingness to make comprehensive data about their programs, horse care practices, and governance available for public scrutiny.”
Instruction and More…
7,650 People Impacted
1,720 served via direct service programs and
5,930 served via community education and outreach activities for a total of 7,650 individuals impacted.
6,500 Volunteer Hours
100 active volunteers giving 6,500 hrs.
2,030 Lessons
2,030 individual lessons, 130 one-time experiences, 700 group classes and 700 enrolled students received instruction provided by our team.
150 Hours Instructor Licensing
We provided over 150 hours of instructor mentorship towards MA Instructor License and Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International Instructor Certification.
Ages of Those Impacted
37 Community Partners
Amity Island Archers
Boys and Girls Club
Camp Jabberwocky
Center for Living
Chamber of Commerce
Chilmark Library
Clemson University
Circuit Arts - MV Film Festival
Edgartown Library
Island Autism Group
Island Disability Coalition
Island Elderly Housing
Island Grown Initiative
Kinship Heals
MV Agricultural Society
MV Horse Council
MV Public Charter School
MV Public Schools
Seven Hills Foundation
Sharon Wilsie/Horse Speak
Sheriff's Meadow Foundation
Vineyard Haven Library
Vineyard Montessori School
Vineyard Preservation Trust
Wampanoag Tribe
Wendy Murdoch/Sure Foot
West Tisbury Library
Windemere Nursing
and Rehabilitation CenterWriting Through
MV Community Services
Chicken Alley Thrift Shop
Disability Services
Family Resource Center/
Island Wide Youth CollaborativeIsland Counseling Center
Red House
Peer Recovery SupportVeterans Services

Needs We Support
Anxiety Arthrogryposis Attachment Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Auditory Processing Disorder Autism BiPolar Brain Injury Cancer Survivor
Cerebral Palsy Congenital Anomoly Cognitive Disabilities Cystic Fibrosis Dementia Depression Developmental Delay Down Syndrome Elderly
English Language Learners Hearing Impairment Hydrocephalus Individuals in Foster Care Learning Disabilities Mental Health Mitochondrial Disease Muscular Dystrophy
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Physical Disabilities Seizure Disorder Spina Bifida Substance Use Recovery Veterans
Visual Impairment Woman in Transition Youth at Risk

Our Impact
Empowering Youth

“My name is Cameron Ganser. I am 17 years old. I’ve been at Misty as a student and volunteer for almost 9 years, ever since they opened. I started riding when I was around 4 years old. Noble was actually one of the first horses I rode when he was at Rising Tide. I remember when Misty had its first Open House back when I was 8 or 9. My mom knew it was going to be an amazing place and that it would change my life. And it did. I started doing Girl Power with Rebecca Miller and that taught me a lot about creating relationships with horses and friends. Having experience with riding, my mom wanted me to know that there’s more to being with horses than riding and Girl Power was just that. I was able to hangout with the horses and learn body language. Once Misty started doing other programs I was doing them too. I took Horsemanship classes and Mounted Archery. I was one of the first members of the Drill Team and I still come to ride with them when I’m home from college. Over the years, at Misty, I’ve learned not only how to relate to horses, but I’ve also developed some deep, lasting relationships. I’ve also learned a lot about myself. I’ve become more confident and self-aware. My mom always says that Misty is my happy place, and I think that’s true.”
Cameron Ganser, Misty Meadows Student and Teen Advisory Board Member
Out of a Wheelchair & Onto a Horse!

“This past summer I had the opportunity to volunteer at Misty Meadows as a horse handler for Camp Jabberwocky after a three year hiatus of this collaboration due to COVID and directorship changes. Growing up on the Vineyard I was a horseback rider and became a Pediatric Nurse at Children’s Hospital in the 80s. The combination of working with young people and horses is a win win for me.
I have been volunteering with Camp Jabberwocky and therapeutic riding on the Vineyard for almost 10 years; starting back at Rising Tide. I have seen a host of disabilities, abilities, and physical capabilities. I have experienced first hand how difficult it can be to assist with the mounting and dismounting process.
Fast forward to Misty Meadows June 30, 2023. A therapeutic lift is installed in the ring at Misty and Camp Jabberwocky returns. The first rider is pushed up the ramp in her wheelchair, the lift is carefully fitted around her and I lead Coco up the the block. Coco is absolutely calm, cool and collected. Me, definitely a little nervous! The camper is lowered easily onto the horse’s back and the magic begins! Smiles on everyone….especially our camper! It was so easy, so safe and a real milestone!
The feeling of accomplishment for our organization, our campers and volunteers was felt in the core of my soul! I don’t want to be anywhere but Misty when these opportunities present themselves. There is nothing better than giving your time, energy and financial support to such a worthy organization!”
Nancy Thomas Caraboolad, age 67, Misty Meadows Volunteer
Our Financials
100% Board Support totaling over $38,000
2023 Grants Received
We are grateful to these foundations that supported our mission with grants in 2023.
Couch Foundation for supporting our youth leadership programs.
DCU for Kids for supporting our English Language Learner programming.
Equus Foundation for helping offset horse care costs.
Farm Neck Foundation for supporting our fund for an ADA bathroom.
Lancaster Archery Foundation for allowing us to complete an outside archery track.
Martha’s Vineyard Chamber of Commerce/MA Bureau of Tourism for continuing the development of our community access mindfulness trail.
Martha’s Vineyard Community Foundation for our work with Island Autism Group, Kinship Heals, and Island Elderly Housing.
Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership for supporting our youth programming.
Rockland Trust Charitable Foundation, Inc. for Increasing Access initiatives, which include innovative and effective new programming to support islanders struggling with mental and/or physical health issues.
2023 Expenses
2023 Revenue

Abby Remer
Adrianne Ryan
Ally Reed
Alysa Emden
Amad Elia
Amy K Nelson
Angela Egerton
Anne Cabot
Anne Manning
Anne Osterholm
Annie Colangeli
Asiah Kinch
Audie Schneider
Beth Butler
Bruce Stuart
Carla Taylor
Carol Vietor
Caroline Barbato
Cate Molesso
Catherine Kilduff
Chloe Remondi
Christine (Kiki) Homer
Cindy Freitas
Connie Alexander
Cristina Aragona
Cynthia Berman
Cynthia Christian
Cynthia Segal
Dani Bauke
Danielle Mulchany
Diane Early
Diego Benavente
Donna DiFillippo
Eileen Sandberg
Elizabeth Halcyon Brown
Elizabeth Reid
Frankie Silverman-Spina
Gail Gardner
Howard Goldstein
Isabella Morais
Jeanne Coleman
Jennifer Warner
Joan Richards
Joe McMann
John Thibodeau
Judith Fisher
Justin Corl
Justin Harris
Karin Stanley
Kathryn Ploss
Katie Bresnahan
Kristen Kenney
Laura Plunkett
Lee Aven
Lily Kerns
Lindsay Barnes
Marcia Smith
Marcie Meuller
Margaret Oliveira
Martha D. Klein
Melissa deLisser
Monica Shelton Reusch
Morgan Hodgson
Nancy Caraboolad
Nancy Grundman
Nina Domenico
Nora Cartier
Nova Smith
Olivia Giordano
Patricia Garbutt
Paul Doherty
Pia Centenari-Leonard
Randi Baird
Rita Hurley
Robert E. Egerton, Jr
Roisin Akerman
Roma Picarelli
Roxy White
Ruth Konigsberg
Sabrina Frank
Sarah Trudel
Scout Austin
Shanta Gabriel
Shuva Dawn Seller
Siana Solarazza
Sidney Marshman
Sophia Harris
Susan Peltier
Theresa Lundquist
Thomas Maxwell
Tim Connelly
Vivina Lutterodt
William Ritter
Yvonne Lepore

$50,000 - $249,999
The Cashman Family
$10,000 - $49,999
Blue Lane Events (In Kind)
Nancy & Geoffrey Caraboolad
Carol Kenney
John and Charlotte Klein
Louise Reed
Kathryn Salmanowitz
John Schaefer & Pamela D. Zilly
$5,000 - $9,999
Jim Attwood & Leslie Williams
JoAnn & Jack Fruchtman
The Hasten Foundation
Healey Family Foundation
Brie Henderson
Morgan Hodgson & Bill Lake
Lubo Fund, Inc.
Kathleen McNamara
McNamara Foundation
Susan Peltier
John Thibodeau
George & Joan Thomas
The Umberto Romano
and Clorinda Romano Foundation, Inc.
Jennifer & Steve Warner
$1,000 - $4,999
Craig & Susan Bancroft
Jennifer Blum
The Boneyard
Geraldine Brooks
David A. Merry & Sons, Inc.
Jean Dickason
Donna DiFillippo
Diane Early
Robert & Angela Egerton
James Elliot
Alysa Emden
Abby Fligor
Pamela French
Sharon Gamsby
Neva & Howard Goldstein
Hancock Real Estate
Kenneth Holbert PH.D. & Barbara Holbert
Lisa Hummelberg
Brian Kenney
Kristen Kenney
Lynne Kenney
Sevda Kleinman
Jill Lane
LP Connections (In Kind)
Jessica & Conor Lynch
Janet McFadden
David & Arleen McGlade
Laurie McTeague
William Munton
Katherine O’Brien
Margaret Oliveira
Laura & Brian Plunkett
Randi Baird Photography
Nancy Randall
Ally Reed
Monica Shelton Reusch
Sarah Rorer
RW Tile
Eileen Sandberg
Andrew Sieg
Smith Bodfish Swift Co. Inc.
Marcia L Smith
Mary Stanton/Stanton Family Foundation
Bonnie Waitzkin
Hope Woodhouse
$500 - $999
A2A Pharmaceuticals Inc
Ellen Arian
Charlotte Bolduc
Annie Cabot
Jeremy Henderson & Catherine Samuels
Melissa deLisser
Martin Gilliard
Mitchell Greess
Edwin & Ellen Harley
Beth Harris
John & Hillary Keene
Leelee Smith Klein
David Kloss
Chryssa Maragos
Morning Glory Farm (In Kind)
Caitlin Nobile Knopp
Ellen & Dan Pesch
Sheila Rayyan
Walter Ricciardi
Betsy & Richard Sheerr
Julie Skinner
Margaret Sweeney
James Warner
Liz Winson
$250 - $499
Joanne Brine
Laura Bryan
Julie Chandler
Chilmark General Store
Kim Conway
David DiFillippo
Brigid Doherty
Sam Feldman
Joyce & Hugh McCormick Charitable Fund
Molly Glasgow
Myron Glucksman
Lyn J. & David A. Grogan
Thomas Hallahan
Martha Klein
Walter & Diane Looney
Trish Lyman
Frank McCulloch
Townsend & Gail Morey
Emily & Steven Moskowitz
Douglas Ruskin & Ginger Norton
James & Elizabeth Pickman
Reynolds, Rappaport, Kaplan & Hackney LLC
Kasha Ritter
Andrea Ross
Audrey Schneider
Bruce Stuart & Katherine Shaw-Stuart
Neides Silva
Pamela Small
Tea Lane Real Estate
Marta Van Ranst
Eileen Wuerthele
$100 - $249
Penny Ackley & Lynne Mixner
Allen Rugg & Suzanne Boyer
Gary & Linda Brenner
Rhonda Brown
Ellen Celli
Paula Conover
Amy Cooper
Diana DeBlase
Glenn G. DeBlase & Helen M. DeBlase
Dianne V. & Thomas A. Durawa
Gene Ferguson
Alison Abdu & Barry Glass
Nancy Hall
Colleen Hannon
Ann & Jeff Harris
Katherine Janian
Eugene P. & Concetta C. Kelley
Jim & Ann Kordahl
Richard Leonard
The MacKenty Family
Melvin S. Cutler Charitable Foundation
John Mitsinikos Jr
Sarah D Moore
Tom Murphy
Nancy Nachbar
Marilyn O’Connell
Kathryn & Ike Perkins
M.E. Pratt
Patricia Rance
Patricia M Colbert & Russell Steenberg
Anne Serafin
Rosalie Shane
Diane Smadbeck
Kathleen Smith
South Mountain Company
Karin Stanley
Pam Thomson
Charlie Utz
Snezana Westby
Susie White
$1 - $99
Elizabeth Adams
Hilary Blocksom
Charles Bowman
Gonzalo Cordova
Scott Crawford
Nina Domenico
Sheila Elliott
Deborah Fallon
Shantal Gabriel
Kris Hanrahan
Tanya Helm
Ry Hills
Sarah Holbert
Suellen Knight
Karen Konkus
Helen & Richard Kosinski
Michelle O'Grady
Mary Louise Purves
Brooks Robards
Bruce Stewart
Nancy Tehan
Miranda Tso
Elizabeth Weinstein
Linda Weltner
Our Goals for 2024
Creating Updated Programming Models
Developing a New Strategic Plan
Building Stronger School Partnerships
Offering Mental Health Services
Planning for Organizational Sustainability
Enhancing our Volunteer Program
Save the Date!
Misty Meadows Summer Event
Sunday, August 4, 2024, 5pm to 7:30pm
This year we are excited to feature clips from the film “Rescued Hearts” which tells the story of how horses heal humans. In addition to the filmmakers themselves, we are anticipating a couple of celebrity guests will join us for an interesting and fun discussion about the film and our mission. Join us at the farm for cocktails on the lawn and after the program we will share a dessert reception.

Support Misty
©2023 Misty Meadows. design and layout by Anansi Hayes Media. photography by Misty Meadows Staff, Randi Baird, Shored Up Digital