Volunteer at Misty Meadows
We are looking for friendly, dedicated people to help with our programs. Many positions are available and no horse experience is necessary! Your participation helps us fulfill our mission — to connect all individuals with the powerful benefits of equine assisted services. Volunteering at Misty Meadows is a fulfilling, fun, weekly 'horse fix' and great exercise!
Individual reasons for volunteering may differ, but the special connections formed with people and horses create a common bond with everyone involved in our program. Whether your experience with horses is life-long or minimal, your willingness to give yourself and your time is what we need. We offer a flexible schedule based around your skills and interests.
Volunteer Handbook and other forms here
Volunteer opportunities include...
Program Support — Horse Handlers and Sidewalkers
Horse Care — Grooming, Feeding, Helping with Medical Treatments
Property Maintenance & Farm Chores
Special Events
Marketing and Communications
Board and Committee Membership
Please complete this form if you are interested in Volunteering!
“Misty for me has meant the opportunity to know and learn from wonderful children; their pony hugs at the end of a lesson show their gratitude to their mounts and bring smiles to all. And Misty has meant the privilege of working with a kind, committed group of adults – staff and volunteer, all of whom pitch in to keep Misty’s herd healthy and happy. A Misty day is one to look forward to each week!”